Readings – AI and the Future

Readings – AI and the Future

Artificial Intelligence and Our Future: Alternative Scenarios

The Master Algorithm

Peter Domingos, The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World (2015).
Peter Domingos, The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World (2015).

One of the most interesting and readable books to emerge is P. Domingos’ 2015 book, The Master Algorithm.




This looks good:

Nick Bostrom's 2016 book, Superintelligence.
Nick Bostrom’s 2016 book, Superintelligence.

Nick Bostrom deals with the practical implications of smarter-than-us AI everywhere in Superintelligence.



Our Final Invention

James Barrat's 2015 book, The Final Invention.
James Barrat’s 2015 book, The Final Invention.

Very sobering. Whether we agree with him or not, he has some good points. Barrat’s The Final Invention takes a serious look at what practical, super-intelligent AIs really mean to our lives.





On the Road


Some of the above books have related podcasts or are available as audiobooks. Here’s some more audio-only good stuff:


Off-Duty Reading

If you need something to read but cannot BEAR the thought of anything heavy-duty: science Fiction.
Here’s a list of science fiction books with an AI theme.